

Epic Raid Boss Drop:


Raid Boss Drop:



Seal Stones:
– Safe
– Max Weapon:
– Max Armor/Jewels:
– Enchant Rate:
Quests with increased rates:
- The Finest Food - rate x5
- Heart in Search of Power (Valley of Saints) - rate x5
- Exploration of Giants Cave, Part 1/ Part 2 - rate x5
- Supplier of Reagents - rate x5
- War with Ketra Orcs - rate x5
- War with Varka Silenos - rate x5
- Relics of the Old Empire, Gather The Flames - rate x5
- Alliance with Ketra Orcs - rate x5
- Alliance with Varka Silenos The Finest Ingredients - Part 1 - Rate x5
- Halisha's marks - rate x5
- Whisper Of Dreams Part 1, 2 - rate x5
- Legacy of Insolence - rate x5
- In Search of Fragments of Dimension - rate x5
- An Ice Merchant's Dream - rate x5
- Protect the Water Source - rate x5
- Guardians of the Holy Grail - rate x5
- Seekers of the Holy Grail - rate x5 - EWS 2 EAS 3
- Rise and Fall of the Elroki Tribe - rate x5
- Yoke of the Past - rate x5
- Clean up the Swamp of Screams - rate x5
- A Powerful Primeval Creature - rate x5
- Delicious top Choice Meat rate - rate x5 Increased reward
- The Zero Hour (Stakato Nest), some others - rate x10, Increased reward
Informations Lion
Server Platform: L2OFF - Oficial Files PTS 100%
Interlude / Non Custom Craft
Retail status
Server Timezone: .time (show real time server)
Additional Features
- Jobs 20, 40 free and 76 level 50kk Adena
- Posibility dispel buffs through alt+click
- Adena limit increased from 2.147kkk to 99kkk
- copy+paste in chat
- Advanced Cancel: buffs returns after 10 segundos
- Basic Materials Craft (Click) x20
- Auto learning skills
- Offline shop with radius to organize town, need a special item selling in gmshop.
- Infinity Scape
- Auto CP/MP/HP
- Greater Healing Potion, Mana Potion restore 1500mp with delay 10secs- at Shops of server for Adena.
- Teleportation free for all Towns. Gk Global
- Epic Bosses: Chaotic Zones
- Augument: NG SKILL: 1% | MID SKILL: 2% | HIGH SKILL: 5% | TOP SKILL: 7%
- All Tyrannosaurus have 10% drop of Top LS 76 and High.
- Automatic Donater's in Shop Web site.
- Skill Sweeper Festival added to Scavenger.
New Interface Client Lion. (INFO)
Premium Account [VIP] Informations. (INFO
Premium Account Benefits [VIP]
- Drop Adena
1.5x Amount
- Spoil
2x % Chance
- Drop items
1.5x % Chance
1.5 %.
- Chat VIP Command:
- Premium Buffs: Hot springs, Summon buffs and noblesse
You can buy it from npc Lion in Giran
- 22+4 slots (Divine Inspiration) (Learning with Divine Inspiration);
- 1 hrs buffs
- Npc Full Buffs - All buffs Free without summoners buff and malaria.
- Profile Buffs "Macro in Npc full buffs"
- Summoners buffs: 30 Min
Sub Class:
You can get sub class from NPC:
Attention, the quest is not required!
Attention! You are not required to hit raid bosses, talk to the chest that appears after death the raid is enough.
To get you need tall of 4 Scepters and 250kk adena; 75+ lvl.
Scepter mined by killing raid bosses (to hit is not necessarily) and search the chest that appears (necessarily). Only characters level 75 + for get a scepter in the chest.
Scepters is not tradeable / no sell, you can only delete.
After the talk with a chest, the scepter appears in quest inventory.
After that you'll get Cabrio Infernium Scepters and 250kk adena, you should return to the NPC Class Master and with one click you will get a subclass.
Boss Sub Class Spawn:
- 80 Level - Cabrio: 6 Hours (Random + - 15 Minutes).
- 80 Level - Golkonda: 6 Hours (Random + - 15 Minutes).
- 80 Level - Hallate: 6 Hours (Random + - 15 Minutes).
- 80 Level - Kernon: 6 Hours (Random + - 15 Minutes).
- Quest Retail - Noblesse
- D/C/B-Grade equipment you can buy in shop for Adena
- A-Grade and S-Grade by Retail Craft.
Game Shop
- Armor and weapons up to B grade.
- All consumables are available in the store.
- Available Trader of Mammon Blacksmith of Mammon in town.
Raid Bosses
- All Epic's Level 80
- Jewels boss Only epic boss drop
- Chaotic Zones: All Epic Bosses
Raid |
Spawn |
Ant Queen |
Monday to Saturday (20:00 – 20:30) - Drop Ring 30% |
Core |
Monday to Friday (19:00 – 19:15) - Drop Ring 30% |
Orfen |
Monday to Friday (22:00 - 22:15)- Drop Earring 30% |
Zaken |
Monday Wednesday Friday (21:30 – 22:00) - Drop Earring 100% |
Frintezza |
Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday (21:30 - 22:00) - Drop Necklace 100% |
Baium |
Saturday (20:00 ~ 21:00) - Drop Ring 100% |
Antharas |
Every 2 Sundays (Alternating with Valakas) (18:00 – 19:00) - Drop Earring 100% |
Valakas |
Every 2 Sundays (Alternating with Antharas) (18:00 – 19:00)- Drop Necklace 100% |
All Normal Boss level 75+ |
12 Hour (Random -1h +1h). |
Sailren |
6 Hours (Random -30min +30min) |
L2 Lion with Multiple Language Support.
- L2 Lion supports 3 languages:
- Spanish, Portuguese and English
Players now have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the world of lineage2 in three different languages: Spanish, Portuguese and English. This update covers all NPC dialogue, ensuring an immersive and authentic experience for all players.
While we strive to make the game more accessible, we've maintained the integrity of the Lineage 2 Lion universe by preserving the English item names as well as the map names.
Alliance Bosses
80 Level - Ketra's Hero Hekaton 12 Hours (Random -1h +1h).
80 Level - Ketra's Commander Tayr 12 Hours (Random -1h +1h).
80 Level - Ketra's Chief Brakki 12 Hours (Random -1h +1h).
80 Level - Varka's Hero Shadith 12 Hours (Random -1h +1h).
80 Level - Varka's Commander Mos 12 Hours (Random -1h +1h).
80 Level - Varka's Chief Horus 12 Hours (Random -1h +1h).
Noblesse Boss
80 Level - Flame Splendor of Barakiel: 6 Hours (Random -+10min).
- Alliance Limit: 0 clan - Disabled
- Clan penalty 1 hour.
- CH BID only clan lvl 8.
- Max clan members : 30
- To learn clan skills you only need reputation.
- Not items needed
- Clan Penalty: 5min
Raid |
Rate |
Zaken / Queen Ant |
11/12 Party All |
Anakazel High |
11/12/13 10% Party All |
Tyrannosaurus |
11/12 7% Party Random |
Lilith / Anakim |
11/12 100% Party All |
Ember |
11/12/13 10% Party All |
Valakas / Antharas / Tezza / Baium |
11/12/13 100% Party All |
Sailren |
11/12/13 10% Party All |
Boss Chaotic |
11/12/13 40% Party All |
– Cycle: 14 days
– Start of the first cycle: October 19
– First Heroes: October 29 at 11:59 pm
– Period: Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 18:00 to 00:00
– 4 registered in total to fight and 4 base class
Voice Commands:
.menu - shows Menu panel.
.help - shows this help.
.online - shows the amount of online players !
.time - shows the current server time !
.expon - turn exp gaining on !
.expoff - turn exp gaining off !
.offlineshop - start offline shop !
.autopickupon - turn on auto pickup !
.autopickupoff - turn off auto pickup !
.time - show real time of dedicated in game
.offannounce msg - sets your offline shop, auto announce message (600s interval).
.delevel - delevel your character by 1 lv !
.dispelall - dispell all your buffs !
Seven Sings:
Quest Period: Monday 18:00 – Friday 18:00 (you can register to join catacombs and necropolis and farm Seal Stones)
Reward Period: Friday 18:00 – Monday 18:00 (you can use mammon NPCs and exchange seal stones for AA)
To be able to join catacombs and necropolis you need to register in the Dawn or Dusk NPCs from monday to friday.
Mammon NPCs: from Friday to Monday in Giran Town and all players will be able to use it regardless of the 7s results.
- Email or skype: support@l2lion.com
- Whatsapp or telegram: +55 (62) 99821-3470
Core and Orfen Epic Jewelry updated!